What it is

WHAT IT IS......After 7+ years on Broadway i have learned....... that it ain't easy!! Second to my passion for music and theatre, is my passion for cooking and having fun. Here is where I share recipes, tips and go to's I have picked up along the Broadway way that insures healthy bodies, high levels of fun, and keeping money in your pocket.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

T.S.M.G.O (The Show Must Go On) : Throat Saving Tea

    Dear allergies, sinus infections, and colds.
         There are millions of people who can be affected by you and still go to work and get there jobs done. Why must you plague us who's lively hood is to use the very things you seek to destroy. Please leave us alone!!

With great disdain,

Me and my ENT

        From all the Elphaba's, casts of RENT, Rock of Ages, Hair, and other belt ridden shows, this letter of prayer is written at least twice if not more a season.  And everyone has to figure out there own way to navigate through their ailments to create a pleasing sound that wont embarrass or get your fired. Cause at 2pm of 8pm, everyone at sometime or another has had that one dreadful thought.................Can I get through this?
     Here is a tea that I use more than often to help soothe a less than stellar feeling throat, and more importantly feed hope for a successful day or night of yelping.

Throat Savers Tea

1 inch     Ginger Root (Peeled, and sliced)
1 Tblsp    Whole Cloves
½            Lemon (Sliced)
2 Tblsp     Honey
3 cups      Water

 Ginger- is a natural anti-inflammatory and is a natural painkiller and throat soother. Ginger has been used for centuries to cure aches, pain, digestion problems, and a host of other ailments.

Cloves- is also a natural anti-inflammatory who’s attributes can help soothe certain respiratory conditions like cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and also clears the nasal tract.

Lemon – Is a natural antiseptic that when in hat water helps cut through thick mucus and soothe the throat as well as help your body get rid of toxins.

Honey – is a natural throat soother as well as a good source of natural energy, which is very important especially when you don’t feel well.

   Also all of theses ingredients have antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. That mean it also kills bacteria that could be causing the inflammation or irritation.  It doesn’t just mask the symptoms it actual helps fight and prevent. Who knew!!

        In a small pot with a  lid, ad ginger, cloves, lemon, and water to pot on med-high heat, cover and let boil for at least 15 min.  You really want all the oils and nutrients to seep out of the ingredients. ( For my self, I wake up put the tea on, go shower and eat and come back)

        Cut the heat off and stir in Honey and immediately strain transfer to your thermos, coffer container, or mug.

       If your taking it to go, once strained, add some of the ginger and lemon pieces in as well.  If it’s a long show day and you need more help later, you can add more hot water to pieces left in your container.

       ***Drink  water and stay hydrated!!!!! This tea is more like a baste for your throat, not a cure all drink.  It is proven to help clear out and soothe the throat but it alone will not cure you of the cause of the discomfort.